Let me start by saying Thank You to Mr Smith for holding a Townhall Meeting and for handling it with grace and courtesy towards all. The meeting took place in Clover Park High School’s stadium. It was not well advertised and the Union presence was obviously well planned and well staged from the booths set up at the entrance of the event to the gauntlet of union workers lining the exit route through which everyone had to leave… complete with Obamacare petitions that were thrust into the face of every passer-by. There was a definite Astroturf feel to the meeting with so many attendees wearing union T-shirts or name badges with their Union logos on them.
Planned Parenthood made an apprearance, too, of course.
Note in this last picture the pile of signs on the ground to the bottom left. This Union had made a bunch of signs that were intended to look like homemade signs rather than mass produced "astroturf" signs, which is exactly what they were. Union members were picking up their "home made signs" as they checked in at the booth!
There were constituents in attendance from King, Pierce and Thurston Counties for this meeting. I was quite certain that we’d hear a lot of pro-Obamacare speeches as a result of the union presence, however, the bulk of the comments were anti-Obamacare, some were quite calm and direct while others were more passionate. Mr Smith listened attentively to them all.
From his answers, it was quite clear that Smith is a Democrat, but in a more conservative district. He is supportive of the military and gave a very good answer to the gentleman who asked him to get us out of Afghanistan. He indicated that if HR Bill 3200 comes to the floor as is, he would vote against it. However, he did add the huge caveat that it would not come to the floor as is. His answer became something of a “skirting of the intent” of the question with that caveat, but he’s a politician. That propensity for “skirting the question” appeared again later in the evening when he was asked if he would take the same health care plan that was being foisted on the American people by this legislation. His response was totally disingenuous as he said that he IS on the same health care plan as the American people are… he has private health care and he will opt to keep that when this legislation goes into effect, “as can everyone”. RIGHT!
At one point a constituent asked where the Congress derived it’s authority to dictate to free citizens what type of health insurance they can have. He started his answer with, “The Constitution…” but he got no further than that when the crowd let him know CLEARLY that we know the Constitution does not authorize that power to the Federal Government. He backtracked quickly and his next attempt at an explanation was lost to me in the continued rumble of outrage. I’m not sure if he ever adequately answered that question.
The traditional Lynden Larouche Democrat showed up with his Obama/Hitler poster. He was physically assaulted by his fellow Democrats and several Union members. His sign was ripped from his hand and a shoving match disrupted the meeting. While I find his approach repugnant, he too is a constituent and a citizen with a right to be heard at this meeting. I found the thuggery of those who assaulted him equally offensive.
Again, as we were leaving, we had to pass through a gauntlet of union members waving signs and thrusting petitions at everyone. It literally became a process of telling petion holder after petition holder, "NO!" and some required more than one No before they accepted it.
There were some great signs, as usual…
And all in all, I must admit real respect for Mr Smith because he held a Townhall Meeting. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell don’t have the sense of responsibility to their constituents to hold any Townhall Meetings and, while Norm Dicks is actually holding two meetings, they are both in remote and heavily union locations… Fort Worden and Bremerton. I guess those three have the courage of their convictions…. Or lack thereof! Be forewarned Norm, we think these meetings are important and we're driving all the way up to discuss Obamacare with you in Bremerton! See you there!
Oh... I almost forgot.... Do you remember this guy from the Tea Party? (Posted on Dryadshaven.blogspot.com) Well he apparently hits all the significant political events in the area. You gotta admire a man who's politcally active and consistent in his message!
There were constituents in attendance from King, Pierce and Thurston Counties for this meeting. I was quite certain that we’d hear a lot of pro-Obamacare speeches as a result of the union presence, however, the bulk of the comments were anti-Obamacare, some were quite calm and direct while others were more passionate. Mr Smith listened attentively to them all.
From his answers, it was quite clear that Smith is a Democrat, but in a more conservative district. He is supportive of the military and gave a very good answer to the gentleman who asked him to get us out of Afghanistan. He indicated that if HR Bill 3200 comes to the floor as is, he would vote against it. However, he did add the huge caveat that it would not come to the floor as is. His answer became something of a “skirting of the intent” of the question with that caveat, but he’s a politician. That propensity for “skirting the question” appeared again later in the evening when he was asked if he would take the same health care plan that was being foisted on the American people by this legislation. His response was totally disingenuous as he said that he IS on the same health care plan as the American people are… he has private health care and he will opt to keep that when this legislation goes into effect, “as can everyone”. RIGHT!
At one point a constituent asked where the Congress derived it’s authority to dictate to free citizens what type of health insurance they can have. He started his answer with, “The Constitution…” but he got no further than that when the crowd let him know CLEARLY that we know the Constitution does not authorize that power to the Federal Government. He backtracked quickly and his next attempt at an explanation was lost to me in the continued rumble of outrage. I’m not sure if he ever adequately answered that question.
The traditional Lynden Larouche Democrat showed up with his Obama/Hitler poster. He was physically assaulted by his fellow Democrats and several Union members. His sign was ripped from his hand and a shoving match disrupted the meeting. While I find his approach repugnant, he too is a constituent and a citizen with a right to be heard at this meeting. I found the thuggery of those who assaulted him equally offensive.
Again, as we were leaving, we had to pass through a gauntlet of union members waving signs and thrusting petitions at everyone. It literally became a process of telling petion holder after petition holder, "NO!" and some required more than one No before they accepted it.
There were some great signs, as usual…
And all in all, I must admit real respect for Mr Smith because he held a Townhall Meeting. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell don’t have the sense of responsibility to their constituents to hold any Townhall Meetings and, while Norm Dicks is actually holding two meetings, they are both in remote and heavily union locations… Fort Worden and Bremerton. I guess those three have the courage of their convictions…. Or lack thereof! Be forewarned Norm, we think these meetings are important and we're driving all the way up to discuss Obamacare with you in Bremerton! See you there!
Oh... I almost forgot.... Do you remember this guy from the Tea Party? (Posted on Dryadshaven.blogspot.com) Well he apparently hits all the significant political events in the area. You gotta admire a man who's politcally active and consistent in his message!
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