Sunday, August 30, 2009

Gone and, Hopefully, Soon Forgotten

I have delayed writing this post because each time I started to write it I found words appearing on the page like “despicable, debauched and depraved”. I thought that if I mulled this post a bit longer I could find less denigrating terms to apply to Ted Kennedy than those. Alas, it was to no avail. As I mentioned in a previous post, Ted Kennedy behaved as a weasel all his life. He was also a murderer and a philanderer; openly, flagrantly and arrogantly. The only thing more pathetic than Ted Kennedy and his life choices were the pitiable people of Massachusetts who knew what he was and kept reelecting him to a position of power and authority.

I was once told by a dear friend that, “the Kennedy’s have been good to Massachusetts”. Well Massachusetts sure was good to Ted Kennedy, too. The last, and least, of the brothers who sought to build a dynasty in a republic, Our Republic, Kennedy got pass after pass from the people of Massachusetts time after time. I guess if you are buried up to your nose in stench then you get used to the smell… as long as the ones who are piling on the stench toss you a bone now and then.

I’m sorry the Kennedy family is grieving the loss of a loved one. I’m sorry the Kopechne family is still grieving the loss of a loved one and aching from the horrendous miscarriage of justice that kept her murderer from ever facing punishment for his crimes. Sadly, Kennedy might have even been forgiven this crime by the time he died if he had admitted to his actions and accepted a just punishment for them. As it is history will mark his name with shame and he will pay for the crime for which he escaped punishment in life for as long as history remembers him. Although, for all he has been given a large send off by the sycophantic press, his actual contributions to this nation were small and he is likely to be forgotten more quickly than that same press would believe.

Though I was a child when Mary Jo Kopechne was murdered, I still remember her death. It is my hope that, if he is remembered at all, the name Ted Kennedy will conjure up more memories of the shame he brought to his office than any of the false glories now being attributed to him by those who vested themselves up to their noses in the stench of his life. He didn’t answer for his crimes here on earth, but he stands now before a greater judge than any of this world. I will cease to fret that Ted Kennedy has gone unpunished and defer to The Lord’s judgment of the man and his soul. May Ted Kennedy never cross my mind again!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I wept until the bitterness
Scalded my broken heart
The desert that just took your life
Has torn our world apart

The names we spoke in brighter days
Now shine before God’s throne
And though we know you fought for us
We’re still left here alone

Too many loved ones lost to us
Too many nights we’ve cried
Too many wives have wept alone
Too many friends have died.

Your wife won’t hold you close again
Nor touch the face of love
Though in the sleeplessness of night
That’s all that she’s thinking of

Your kids sleep far from where you fell,
They’ll wake to find you’re gone.
They’ll grow up without knowing you
And learn to carry on

Because that’s what we have to,
The families left behind.
We stand together and we wait,
Our lives are intertwined,

Those whose husbands, sons and dads
March home to laugh and brag
And those whose men come home alone
Beneath a tight draped flag.

Too many loved ones lost to us
Too many nights we’ve cried
Too many wives have wept alone
Too many friends have died.

The hollow ache of ceaseless grief
The bitter salt of tears
Give way in time to memories
And slowly fading fears
But we won’t let your names be lost
Through all the passing years.

DOD Identifies Army Casualties

The Department of Defense announced today the death of soldiers who were supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. They died in Afghanistan. The soldiers were assigned to 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, Fort Lewis, Wash.

Spc. Troy O. Tom, 21, of Shiprock, N.M.
Pfc. Jonathan C. Yanney, 20, of Litchfield, Minn.
Capt. John L. Hallett III, 30, of California.
Capt. Cory J. Jenkins, 30, of Arizona.
Sgt. 1st Class Ronald W. Sawyer, 38, of Trenton, Mo.
Pfc. Dennis M. Williams, 24, of Federal Way, Wash.
Spc. Jonathan D. Welch, 19, of Yorba Linda, California (C CO)
Pfc. Jordan M. Brochu, 20, of Cumberland, Maine (C CO)
Spc. Tyler R. Walshe, 21, of Shasta California (C Co)”

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Townhall Meeting....

... with Adam Smith (D-WA)
Let me start by saying Thank You to Mr Smith for holding a Townhall Meeting and for handling it with grace and courtesy towards all. The meeting took place in Clover Park High School’s stadium. It was not well advertised and the Union presence was obviously well planned and well staged from the booths set up at the entrance of the event to the gauntlet of union workers lining the exit route through which everyone had to leave… complete with Obamacare petitions that were thrust into the face of every passer-by. There was a definite Astroturf feel to the meeting with so many attendees wearing union T-shirts or name badges with their Union logos on them.
Planned Parenthood made an apprearance, too, of course.

Note in this last picture the pile of signs on the ground to the bottom left. This Union had made a bunch of signs that were intended to look like homemade signs rather than mass produced "astroturf" signs, which is exactly what they were. Union members were picking up their "home made signs" as they checked in at the booth!
There were constituents in attendance from King, Pierce and Thurston Counties for this meeting. I was quite certain that we’d hear a lot of pro-Obamacare speeches as a result of the union presence, however, the bulk of the comments were anti-Obamacare, some were quite calm and direct while others were more passionate. Mr Smith listened attentively to them all.

From his answers, it was quite clear that Smith is a Democrat, but in a more conservative district. He is supportive of the military and gave a very good answer to the gentleman who asked him to get us out of Afghanistan. He indicated that if HR Bill 3200 comes to the floor as is, he would vote against it. However, he did add the huge caveat that it would not come to the floor as is. His answer became something of a “skirting of the intent” of the question with that caveat, but he’s a politician. That propensity for “skirting the question” appeared again later in the evening when he was asked if he would take the same health care plan that was being foisted on the American people by this legislation. His response was totally disingenuous as he said that he IS on the same health care plan as the American people are… he has private health care and he will opt to keep that when this legislation goes into effect, “as can everyone”. RIGHT!

At one point a constituent asked where the Congress derived it’s authority to dictate to free citizens what type of health insurance they can have. He started his answer with, “The Constitution…” but he got no further than that when the crowd let him know CLEARLY that we know the Constitution does not authorize that power to the Federal Government. He backtracked quickly and his next attempt at an explanation was lost to me in the continued rumble of outrage. I’m not sure if he ever adequately answered that question.

The traditional Lynden Larouche Democrat showed up with his Obama/Hitler poster. He was physically assaulted by his fellow Democrats and several Union members. His sign was ripped from his hand and a shoving match disrupted the meeting. While I find his approach repugnant, he too is a constituent and a citizen with a right to be heard at this meeting. I found the thuggery of those who assaulted him equally offensive.
Again, as we were leaving, we had to pass through a gauntlet of union members waving signs and thrusting petitions at everyone. It literally became a process of telling petion holder after petition holder, "NO!" and some required more than one No before they accepted it.
There were some great signs, as usual…
And all in all, I must admit real respect for Mr Smith because he held a Townhall Meeting. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell don’t have the sense of responsibility to their constituents to hold any Townhall Meetings and, while Norm Dicks is actually holding two meetings, they are both in remote and heavily union locations… Fort Worden and Bremerton. I guess those three have the courage of their convictions…. Or lack thereof! Be forewarned Norm, we think these meetings are important and we're driving all the way up to discuss Obamacare with you in Bremerton! See you there!

Oh... I almost forgot.... Do you remember this guy from the Tea Party? (Posted on Well he apparently hits all the significant political events in the area. You gotta admire a man who's politcally active and consistent in his message!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pardon Me While I Rant...

My, My, My, where to start! I Know - I’ve been absent for a week and a half. Those pesky friends and family who come to visit, the annoying need to work and pay my bills and, of course, those outside projects in the sun and the sweet air that fill the weekend hours when I’d much rather be sitting here at my computer in my stuffy room…. Okay, even I don’t believe that last one. What I do believe, however, is that there is A LOT upon which I intend to have a say and for which I would have needed to flag myself. If only the White House of ill repute had not shut down its snitch line. I was getting used to my weekly self flag-ellation.

Let’s start with: “Death Panels” and how that phrase offends President Obama. Except that he has reinstated a booklet for older veterans that, effectively, encourages them to opt for suicide rather than continue as a drain on society. I know you’ve heard that the VA medical system is a great example of the concepts of Obamacare and this is the proof. Maybe there are no death panels in the plan … YET. But don’t believe for one moment that they aren’t integral in the concepts of the plan!

Ted Kennedy still behaves in a despicable manner! The man who left a woman to drown, hoping to protect his own public face, has now stepped up off his death bed to prove that a weasel is a weasel to the end of his days! When Massachusetts had a Republican Governor who would appoint the replacement for John Kerry, should he have won the election in 2004, Ted Kennedy demanded that the State change its constitution to allow a vote of the people instead of an appointment by the Governor when a Congressional Seat needed to be filled. Hey! I’m Good With That!! I’ve always thought that the people should be making those choices, not a politician. But now…. With a Democrat governor in place and Ted himself at the point of needing to step down, Mr Kennedy is asking that the constitution be changed back to take the vote AWAY from the people and give it back to the Governor. If I lived in Massachusetts I’d be outraged. Although, if I lived in Massachusetts I’d be outraged to be represented by the weasel brothers, Kennedy and Kerry, anyway so why not pour a bunch more salt in that wound!

Al Megrahi… What is left to say on this one? Way to go Scotland! Oh how the blood has thinned! And Mr Brown, don’t pretend for one minute that your administration didn’t drive that decision in an effort to ensure more favorable treatment. Did anyone ever tell you that feeding your friends to the alligators only delays the inevitable? The 21st Century update to that adage is that high speed communications and research techniques such as the internet throw light on the darkest secrets, thus tending to inform and, thereby, tick off the remaining friends that you had planned to throw to the alligators for your benefit! OOPS!

Yard Sales: Hey!!! Did you know that the Obammunists, as one of our local Conservative DJ’s calls them, have decided that you and your neighbors will be held responsible for selling anything that might be construed as dangerous as if you were the originator of the defect? Meaning… those hand me down toys with breakable parts on them… you can be prosecuted for re-selling them. And guess who is going out to garage sales and flea markets to look for such items… YOU GOT IT!!! BIG BROTHER! Don’t believe me? Read this:

Eric Holder, The US Attorney General under Barak Obama, who is prosecuting CIA Investigators for the tactics they were authorized to use to interrogate those who attacked the United States on September 11th, 2001, was a senior partner of Covington and Burling. Guess who they are… Go on, Guess! They are one of the firms currently defending the terrorists in Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Yep!! Does the phrase “Conflict of Interest” spring to mind when you hear that the people who are working to prevent more attacks are being prosecuted by the TOP LAW OFFICIAL IN THIS NATION who has spent the past few years defending those who ATTACKED US in the first place? Kind of makes me wonder where General Holder’s head is. Well, I don’t actually wonder where his head is, in fact I don't even care, but it’s obvious that oxygen depletion to the brain could be an issue where ever his head is located.

Monday, August 10, 2009

What I learned from the Civil War

I just spent the weekend in the 1860’s when gentlemen were gallant and tipped their hats when passing a lady; when children would offer to help a burdened passer-by carry their parcels for no greater reward than a “thank you, young man”, when a nation was torn asunder by many of the same factors that we are facing today.

I know that you believe what you were taught in school, those bastions of intolerance, indoctrination and the aggrandizement of inferiority through enforced conformity, that the bloodiest war of our history was fought over slavery or economic and cultural disparities… but you would be wrong. Granted, those issues were symptoms of the problem and helped to catalyze the conflict, but they were not the driving force behind the eruption of war. The “the causes which (impelled) them to the separation” were, in fact, quite similar to those that drove the 13 colonies to leave behind the Rule of King George and which are dividing us today. Those causes would be such things as the intolerable intrusion of government into the daily lives of its citizens, an overbearing government dictating the terms under which a citizen must conduct his/her private life and an ever expanding government taking on itself authorities well beyond those allowed by the conventions established to guide the government. (In the case of the Civil War and now, that would be the Constitution.)

Then, as now, we had a government attempting to overstep their boundaries and take on a greater authority than allowed by the Constitution. Then, it was the usurpation by the federal government of rights specifically given to the states and local governments; today it is usurpation by the federal Government of private industry and personal choice in our day to day lives. I doubt that this will erupt into a civil war, but there do seem to be some uncivil scuffles happening. They seem to have started when the voices raised against the government’s violation of the Constitution were deemed to be too loud and too numerous by that same government, who then called out the bully boys and thugs to threaten, batter and intimidate those who hold opinions in contradiction to those of their masters in the government.

This weekend I sat quietly, which was difficult for me in and of itself, and listened to a discussion by two brilliant and insightful people. One noted that the repression of opposing thoughts through thug violence and citizens spying on their neighbors were both part and parcel of the rise of totalitarian governments in Germany and the Soviet Union. The other proposed that revolution would occur in this country before we tolerated that behavior for too long. The first commenter then indicated that the essence of “rebellion”, too much citizen unrest, would be the excuse used by a government on the path of Germany or the Soviet Union to establish Martial Law. The second person indicated that she believed that this nation would then rise up in full scale rebellion once again if such a repressive action was taken. Both felt that our military would not support such an order and that would be a decisive difference between this nation and those of then Germany and the Soviet Union.

While I think that this conversation was exploring the outer fringes of possibility, it frightens me that intelligent, insightful people, people well educated in the history and the laws of this land, would even draw parallels to such places, events and behavior patterns as Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

And so I am back to the Civil War, to the need to adhere to the Constitution and the requirement to remain ever vigilant and on guard against this government and any government that presumes too much authority over its citizenry, their businesses and their private lives.

But what do I know…. I’m just a Political Terrorist, Union defying, Right Wing, concealed carry permit holding Mob Member. But no worries! I’ve already turned myself in to Big Brother, so you won’t have to.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

California must be so proud

Barbara Boxer is at it again. First she insults BG Michael Walsh, a man who has actually put his life on the line for many years to preserve her right to bear the title of Senator by demanding, in a whiney, self aggrandizing tone, that he address her as Senator instead of Ma’am, which by the way is the traditional honorific in the military to a female superior… Then she condescends to imply to Harry Alford, the President of the Black Chamber of Commerce, that he shouldn’t be disagreeing with her because he’s black and other black people agree with her…. And now… NOW she is implying that citizens of this nation who are speaking out at Town Hall Meeting all across the nation are plants, are feigning outrage. Her proof? Well, HELLO?!! Isn’t it obvious? They’re too well dressed!! The man in the t-shirts & blue jeans, too well dressed. The lady in the tank top, too well dressed. So, I guess I’m over dressed as I sit her in my sweatpants and tank top to be expressing my own feelings on this matter.

Alas, I will have to go to the thrift shop and buy a whole new wardrobe when I head out to my town hall meeting, or I wonder if a sports bra and my flannel boxer shorts will do? Of course that will trigger a need for a lifetime of counseling for all in attendance. Now, both of the Senators from WA and most of the Representatives already need counseling, but I am quite worried about the innocent citizenry that will be in attendance. Hmmmmm, I may have to rethink this plan.

In all fairness to Barbara, though, I can understand how she would naturally suspect people who are too well dressed of harboring nefarious purposes. When I drive down the street and see a man walking by in a three piece suit I quickly check my door locks. He can’t be up to any good. When I step into an elevator and am confronted by women in clean, freshly pressed dresses, I slowly back out of the elevator and take the next one. And when I see some well dressed representative of my government speaking on the tv… You got it, I start to panic. Their lips are moving! I can’t trust them!!!

Yep, California must be so proud!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

And So It Begins!!!

I am a quiet, artsy sort of person by nature. Well, artsy in a "no real talent" sort of way. I have never really taken a political stance on anything in a public format before. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm out there on Freedom Bridge waving flags in support of our troops on a regular basis. But as for outright politics... that's for "other sorts of people than I". Until today.

When I read the following paragraph on the WHITE HOUSE web site, I knew that the time of silence was past and the time to step up the fight on the Home Front had begun. That "eternal vigilance" of which Mr Jefferson spoke suddenly became so very real to me.

Your White House and mine actually posted this statement on their web site:
"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"

So... today I am starting a political blog. I haven't the wit or the time that many bloggers out there have to apply to this game, but I have the passion. And I'm starting out by reporting myself to the White House. I want to be on their rolls as one who will speak freely whether they have approved my thoughts or not.

I disapprove of the changes being forced down our throats on Health Care "Reform" primarily because they are being forced down our throats. We have no time to study carefully how we will make such enormous changes or what the impact of those changes will be on our nation and our economy. Oh no, we must leap NOW to avoid the possibility that the people for whom this change is being effected will opt out and say no. Oops, too late! We already are objecting! We're objecting in Town Hall Meetings across the nation and in letters and phone calls to our elected officials; who seem to be ignoring our preferences, by the way. Why? Oh... because the objections are coming from the people, the grass roots, those who elected them to REPRESENT us!!

So, here we go... Come and get me!!! I'm speaking out against the program, the policies and the tactics that I recognize from many a tyranny of the past; The Tyranny of a government that attempts to silence the free citizenry of its nation! The Tyranny that asks one citizen to spy on another. The Tyranny that compels eternal vigilance from all its citizens.